Thursday 21 January 2010

Vive la Revolution

There's not going to be much of a post today, due to revision en masse (the Gallic language is seeping in). Up above is the book i'm using, in that image it may not appear terribly intimidating, until you pick it up. Then the terror is only too real. In truth it's a fairly enjoyable read, and if i'd done as i planned on doing, and read the whole thing over christmas i'd have no doubt enjoyed it more than my present enforced diet of it allows. It is a fascinating and bizarre period of history, with consequences which altered the world substantially in the long run. Certainly it sheds a wonderful light on just how ker-razy (it really required it) the French were, and no doubt still are. It's a great study of people and in particular the people of Paris. History is simply the study of people, somehow through the secondary education system we've been lead to believe it's something much less interesting.

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