Wednesday 20 January 2010

Birthday, revising and Hugo Chavez

Pictures; Happy Birthday! and Hugo Chavez looking for imperialist pig-dogs

Happy Birthday Sophie! For yesterday obviously, hopefully a blog post is as good as a card. You've got to get used to people not caring anymore now you're not a teenager. A lengthy day of revising lies ahead of me. It will be fascinating to see just how much i do (i told myself i'd be doing it by now). It's likely i wont do nearly as much as i hope/and need to, but that shouldn't come as a surprise to me by now. I've spent all of my life in academic unpreparedness, and so far i've scraped by. And i've probably just jinxed myself rather badly.
Anyway, on to other news, it looks like the death toll in Haiti is much higher than was first predicted with somewhere between 100-200,000 people likely to have died. At least the relief effort is firmly under control now with plenty of aid workers and US troops on the ground. Gotta love Hugo Chavez, he's already accused America of occupying Haiti under the pretext of delivering aid. What an amazing mentalist. One of my housemates' dad lives in Colombia, which neighbours Chavez's Venezuela, and according to reports from her family there Chavez is on the verge of pushing the two countries into a war with each other. What a wonderful man, how could the guardian have misjudged him so badly?

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