Thursday 14 January 2010

It was sad news to hear about Jay Reatard yesterday, i'm not amazingly familiar with his music, but from what i have heard it's good stuff. No doubt i'll become his biggest fan now he's dead (Elliott Smith anybody).
Here he is in living flesh, all i've heard so far is he "died in his sleep", plausibly the vaguest description ever, at just 29 years old too. Which will only add to my ageist paranoia.

Continuing the morbid theme, things are looking pretty heavy over in Haiti, tens of thousands may be dead, and that's a figure that could rise. It seems like there's been a rapid and positive international reaction to the disaster, with alot of aid in men, food and equipment coming in from alot of places. Haiti's one of the few countries that will actually benefit from being on the USA's doorstep. I've posted a picture of the presidential palace there (post earthquake). My first post proper is an impressively depressing one.

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