Saturday 8 January 2011

A Land Of?

 Sometimes the problem is on the inside, not the outside


So here we are

Which words come to mind to describe it; authoritarian, facist, oppressive, intrusive, prejudiced
Which words don't come to mind; liberty, justice, equality, freedom, safety

It is amazing how quickly a government can take steps, ostensibly to protect its people (although more often itself from its people), that instead remove the rights of said peoples. You wonder if it hasn't occured to the US Government that they might be playing completely into the hands of that very small number of people who genuinely do wish America harm. If the restriction and punishment of innoccent individuals isn't exactly what those who attack the United States hope to cause. I think the answer is obvious. Only a government that offers complete freedom and liberty can ever hope to exist in a country possessed of those two virtues. To twist a phrase oft used by those in favour of more stringent 'security' measures, "if a government does nothing wrong, then what does it have to hide?".

it would really add to effect of this if you scrolled down a bit and listened to that Phillip Glass track whilst reading it

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