Sunday 21 March 2010

Fresh Gig

pictures; not the gig i was at

Thank you Times New Viking, your show at the Dome was aces to the max, with volume to the max. I especially enjoyed the bit were the guitarist started playing a different song and the other two got really angry with him. I feel for the guy, the other two are going out, share the vocals, and are basically persistent centres of attention, while he who provides the basic structure of the songs, gets nothing but abuse and the joy of hearing his band mates intercourse every night they're on tour. If his only form of revenge is fucking with the set list then power to him. But yeah they were great, i still feel they should focus more on Beth Murphy, at least in terms of vocals, she adds this really naive, young girl vibe, that sounds perfectly at odds and also perfect with the trashy noise the band produce. The songs from Rip It Off were my favourite and most of the crowds favourite.

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