Tuesday 8 March 2011

Subway King

 If this is the only alternative..

Call this a win for pretention and meatballs, Subway has surpassed McDonalds as the world's most popular food franchise (I almost called them restaurants). Interesting yes, irrelevant definitely. They're both terrible places and anybody who has managed to persuade themselves that Subway is the 'healthy option' must be delusional. My least favourite aspect of Subway are the staff who appear to either still possess self-esteem (a big no no in fast food) or convert their absence of it into a sustained barrage of demands as to which type of salad you want on your bread. As if you care. Or I don't anyway. Certainly it's bewildering that a place that is so difficult to order food from would be the worlds No. 1, but that probably makes some sort of statement about humanity in general, either way I wont be eating at either of those dives anytime soon.

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