Tuesday 1 March 2011

Semitic Semantics

 Coke Nazi

What's 'hot right now'? Hating them Jewishers. I don't know if this is a global reaction to me finally watching  Everything Is Illuminated (it was quite good) yesterday, but apparently absolutely everyone is an anti-semite now. Not just the usual crusty conservatives and unemployed rednecks of the world, but even the most liberal and fashionable types are leaping on to the Pharoah's band wagon. First of up is John Galliano, who apparently designs dresses and is extremely disgruntled with the Jews for, presumably, stealing all the best fabric. Which means his unique swastika pattern dress designs will never see the light of day (not for Dior anyway). A mental fashionista is one thing, but 'saviour of the left and free speech' martyr Julian Assange joining the goose-step is something of a surprise. Apparently the Zionists want him gone for good and the British media is in on it, including non-Jewish but "sort of Jewish" Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger. I know he's Australian and feels he must have something in common with Mel Gibson, but unlike Mel he wasn't even drunk!

 It's gotten so bad even the Pope has come out to defend Judaism

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