Monday 6 December 2010

Don't Make Me A Target

In the words of the guy from Spoon:
"Clubs and sticks and bats and balls, for nuclear dicks with dialect drawls, they come from a parking lot town, where nothing lives in the sun - Don't make me a target"

Seriously change some of the text and the flags to stars an stripes and we're one step away from the sort of pointy hat wearing racist psychopaths they get in that fat place across the ocean.  How can I be angry at people for wanting to bomb my country when there's people like this in it. They make me want to bomb my country. No doubt I'll get listed on MI5/the CIA's terrorist suspect list for saying that. Maybe I'll just bomb myself for being part of the whole machine, like a suicide bomber but with no other casualties. Although technically I'd still be breaking the law because apparently my body and mind is government property and if I died I'd be depriving the economy of another poor indebted student, soon to be meaningless data analasyst for some evil corporation. It's nice to know they care.

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