Friday 23 July 2010

Wilder Beasts

I'm not sure if it's just because I watched Milk the other day, but once I'd got past the first couple of tracks, and at least by the time i reached the last few on the album, not only was I tolerating the vocals of Hayden Thorpe but even enjoying them. I don't want to give the impression that I'm some sort of biggotted misogynist, but Thorpe's vocals are really camp and theatrical. To give an example, he makes Kevin Barnes sound like James Earl Jones. The music itself sounded great, I think, although I was generally to distracted by the vocals to notice much of anything else. I need to give Limbo, Panto some more listens and try Two Dancers too. But whether or not I really end up enjoying them I think I'll definitely give them a look at Green Man (providing there are no clashes with a must-see), it should be quite something.

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