Thursday 8 July 2010

The blight of Andy Samberg

As if it wasn't galling enough, this picture was labelled 'sambergnewsom', his name first

Whatever your opinion on Lonely Planet and Hot Rod, and I loved Jizz in my Pants as much as the next bloke when it came out, Andy Samberg dating Joanna Newsom is wrong. Plain and simple. He's in novelty wrap act and spends his days away from the SNL studio shimmying it up with J Trousersnake and (probably) KanyeISGODWest. Joanna Newsom meanwhile is the spokeswoman for a generation of quirky, alternative, indie-culture, anti-folk youths, who generally take her music pretty seriously. No rational computation could be made, not even by NASA, to explain the existence of this relationship. So, why?

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