Thursday 1 July 2010

Goodbye Le(enin)on

Watched Goodbye Lenin for the first time t'other day, was mightily impressed, I'd watched The Lives of Others the day before and decided to pursue some more of Amazon's recommendations. Lo and behold did i find Goofbye Lenin in Scope for £2.49. It's funny and charming, i'm not Daniel Bruhl's biggest fan, he's a little bit simpery (is that grammatically correct?), but he was perfect for this. German cinema isnt too shabby, generally well shot and written (taking subtitling into account), if a little bit obsessed with the East/West divide. Or at least all the Amazon recommendations are.
I also watched Leon (yay), for the first time in aages, it was even better than i remembered, i don't think the last time i watched it i was quite so aware of the all the Lolita-esque connotations, but they are legion. And just how tiny is Nathalie Portman in it! It also probably explains that whole angry/crazy rap thing she did. Recommendations all round for all three films, although beware that lives of the others drags its feet rather a lot in places.

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