Thursday 11 November 2010

Fucking Phwoar

'Fuck you' The Man

I think it was primarily a statement of just how much young people in this country detest the Conservative party, and by inclusion the Lib Dems now too. If anyone had a clue where their headquarters is no doubt it would have gotten the same. Personally I think it was wonderful to see in a supposed age of apathy, and if anyone is frightened by it they need to get out more. Peaceful protests generally have NO IMPACT WHAT SO EVER, and in terms of popular reactions to unpopular governments and their policies, yesterday was mild in the extreme. Wish I'd been there in stead of being stuck on the fringe of the universe out here, maybe next time.

I could always go and deck the windows in at the Aberystwyth Conservative club (or even the Lib Dem one), but I imagine all the old men in there are charmingly amnesiac octogenarians who would sit me down and feed me Worthers Original and only vote Tory because they still think Churchill is in power and that France is occupied by the Nazis. Sigh.

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