Thursday 25 February 2010

Nocturnal Republican Anxiety Disorder

This is the way Republicans think it should be held

This is a crazy late rage induced post. I watched the daily show showing clips of the 'Conservative Woodstock', which is some big meet-up between US republicans in Washington DC. The clips showed conservatives bashing almost every progressive, humanitarian and in any way good section of society/politics/people and declared that they are openly oppossed to them. All this with the obligatory complete lack of knowledge and massive contradictions that appear a neccessity for any would-be repulbican speech. Including one who claimed his party were against "liberal neo-monarchists" (?!). I don't know whether to embrace apoplectic rage or passively give in and accept democracy as failed. It's difficult to tell what kind of an impact these speeches and events are having on the US public and i suppose we'll have to wait until the next election to find out, but if the republicans were to return on a tirade of unbridled hate-mongering racism then i think the time will have come for us to finally sever all ties with the colonies.

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