Sunday, 7 February 2010

I went for my usual walk

I went for my usual walk up Hergest ridge, a regular occurrence when i'm home. I saw various people walking up it, walking their dogs and with their families and so on, and passed people in their living rooms on my way back through Kington. I got to thinking that for most of these people whatever they were doing as I passed them was probably what they do every sunday, and how comfortable but predictable this must be. Variety is important. Does the security which we ('we' speaking in generalities) strive for in our lives, the safety, shelter, warmth and rest easy which we gain from it, really satisfy us? It's a delay on the inevitable, and if we think that the inevitable is, of course, inevitable, then surely a search for happiness, so usually the spawn of change and variety (excitement), is a more important goal for our lives. Even if it may come at some loss to security, and maybe even a shortening of the gap between us and the inevitable, it must be worth it, rather than repeating each day in the same obscure comfort. I'm aware this line of thought is nothing original and has been heard, said and written down many times before, and that anyone who is alert, conscious and intelligent has probably thought it already, but i still think there's value in saying it again, even for my own benefit if nobody else's.

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