Monday, 18 January 2010

District Dirt

Pictures; Big Spaceship and (possibly) Alien fecal matter

Ah the university high-life. Hygiene is clearly an integral part of my flatmates lives, as the above picture of our kitchen bin (taken just before i emptied it/scraped it off the floor) is testament to. I really have no idea why there was a broom lying across the heap, it certainly hasn't been used anytime recently, artistic license perhaps. But the real feat of the day is the smell emanating from the flat opposite us. While i'm still holding out that they were attempting to break the world record for most eggs scrambled in one day, it's looking ever more likely that they are the victims of a sewage leak. It certainly makes me feel better about the mysterious puddle that forms in the middle of our carpeted hallway every afternoon.
I watched District 9 on the big screen for FREE last night, i liked it, it was a definite step up from most sci-fi films. The filming and effects were nice, and the lack of any recognisable actors only improved the immersion of the experience (although the opportunity to cast aspersions about Tom Cruise having sexual relations with aliens would've been wonderful). South Africa was a great place to set it, connotations with apartheid etc worked really well with the plot and atmosphere.

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