Tuesday 20 December 2011

Getting There

Obligatory festive picture of Bill and a video for the one genuinely wonderful christmas song

It is very nearly christmas! It doesn't look like it's going to be a white one, but as I have to pick up my girlfriend (interestingly, I stopped writing this blog at almost the exact time we started going out - coincidence?) from the airport on Boxing Day that's not entirely a bad thing, although it does look so very pretty around here when it snows. I might just post some pictures of last year instead. Christmas is a wonderful time of year, undoubtedly the most significant day of the year. If not in fact being the only genuinely and popularly significant recurring and adhered to date in modern Western society. This is also my last christmas as a student, this time next year I should be unhappily employed/ surprisingly happily unemployed. Maybe I'll be a weather man, or an astronaut or a.....

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