Saturday, 24 December 2011

Miracle Fortress

Excellently rad band


Aren't they pretty? Some of the books I've read this year, I'll put some more up when I remember what else I've read this year (anything beyond June is quite a struggle)


As featured on the Amazon/Kindle add. At least it wasn't Apple. And they still couldn't afford to put to gether and actual video.

A brief opinion share on Indie musicians selling their music for commercial purposes. It's increasingly common these days, the list is fairly endless - Los Campesinos, Herman Dune, Kurt Vile, Feist, The Walkmen, The Generationals, Modest Mouse, Interpol (if they still count), The Magnetic Fields, The Shins.... this list could probably drag on to cover 40% of the indie-sphere. Clearly there are a lot of musicians who either see nothing wrong with their music being used on an advertisement, or the benefits simply outweight any moral consternation they might be suffering from. It looks like it is becoming increasingly ubiquitous. I was most surprised when I heard the Generationals on an Amazon/Kindle ad. Mostly I was surprised because I feel fairly certain I'm the only person in the UK who has actually heard the Generationals. I thought about the fact that they probably don't (didn't) make much money from their music, and how timely a cash injection in the approach toe christmas would be. There is also something complimentary towards the genre as a whole in its frequent use for commercials. Mostly it is old 'classics' and contemporary indie music that are the favoured choices for sountracking adverts, there is a distinct absence of contemporary chart music. One could suggest that this would be too expensive to buy the rights to, however, it doesn't take that many sales to get into the charts, and chart songs will soon be shipped out to every complitation disc released for the next two years. Certainly they could afford to purchase the rights for at least some chart tunes. Why don't they? Well, I think it's testament to the fact that most chart music is essentially a-melodic and virtually unlistenable, cuased by the ridiculous attemps of superstar producers to create something that sounds 'contemporary' and combines 'all the genres'. So when an advertising exec actually wants to sell a product, they want to use a song that actually sounds nice - step in indie (especially the nu-folk scene). I'm dubious that selliing music to commercials stifles and artists creativity, in fact it probably lends them an increased sense of independence from their label (if they have one), I'm more than happy for them to get some extra cash in their pockets, and, frankly, I imagine I would do exactly the same thing in their shoes. I'm not anti-commercial, nor anti-capitalist, and  I don't think most people are. Certainly in the age of free downloads, the ways in which artists renumerate themselves are increasinly diverse, but not less legitimate because of that. Essentially they are still just making a living by producing art, it seems to me that any artist should be allowed to do that.


The biggest mystery surrounding this film is not that the British film industry has finally produced a good film about youth, specifically middle-class youth (as opposed to working class pikey kids who joins gang/young Colin Firth-esque posh boy goes to Eton), but that Alex Turner made the nice music which accompanies it. Which begs the question, if he can make pleasant music, why are the Arctic Monkeys so abysmal? It's a great film, and I think I can finally begin to empathise with all those weird welsh kids now.

Isn't He Lovely

If you have nothing to do this christmas, spend it drinking and watching Woody Allen

Friday, 23 December 2011

Secret Cities



The best thing to come from down under since... mm. The best thing to come from down under.

Santa Stevens

Towing the festive line

Party Wit Kim

If you are really going to miss the Great Leader (his son ain't got no game I agree), then you will be reassured to find you're not alone. The British Communist Party (Marxist/Leninist) - because there are genuinely two other British Communist parties (did anybody watch the news in the late 80's? Fall of the Iron Curtain etc) - are struggling to deal with it too. Not only did they say some beautiful words but they are also throwing a 'memorial meeting'/party today (I can see it going on all night) to celebrate his great achievements. Assuming they manage to find out exaclty what those were.

Fresh Re-United

Neither of the Vivians showed up and there's no Jeffrey the butler (I have a horrible feeling he might be dead and that's why) but still.absolutely.fresh.

What He Said

Fascinating film, it's always interesting to see Woody simply as an actor. In terms of the general cinematography and script it's no match for most of his own, but it is a compelling story about an interesting problem.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Getting There

Obligatory festive picture of Bill and a video for the one genuinely wonderful christmas song

It is very nearly christmas! It doesn't look like it's going to be a white one, but as I have to pick up my girlfriend (interestingly, I stopped writing this blog at almost the exact time we started going out - coincidence?) from the airport on Boxing Day that's not entirely a bad thing, although it does look so very pretty around here when it snows. I might just post some pictures of last year instead. Christmas is a wonderful time of year, undoubtedly the most significant day of the year. If not in fact being the only genuinely and popularly significant recurring and adhered to date in modern Western society. This is also my last christmas as a student, this time next year I should be unhappily employed/ surprisingly happily unemployed. Maybe I'll be a weather man, or an astronaut or a.....


Bob Dylan doing something with somebody in the 70's (i probably found this via flavorwire)

, in spite of its infuriating lack of a 'u' (part of what constitutes the single most irritating abuse of English by the Americans), is a brilliant site. Updated regularly (something which is extremely important to me) and actually manages to offer a readable, digestible, pleasurable look at all of these topics; literature, art, music, film, tv and general media junk. All on the same page. I'm quite certain its like does not exist anywhere else on the internet and its quality can only be attributed to the overall coolness of its authors (except maybe their music 'guy', the one man that contributes frequently and is invariably rubbish). Its articles are almost entirely written by women, which is in fact unusual in this day and age, and they of course proceed to do a vastly superior job to pretty much any site aggregated by penis wearers. It's very good, so if you are reading this, and want to go somewhere else and read something interesting, do go there.

Brown Recluse

lovely music

Kim's Gone

Perfect prick/The last of a golden generation

The death of international meme superstar Kim Jong Il will have devastating repercussions. Not, of course, in North Korea. The situation there will most likely remain exactly as it was, the security services look like they have got a pretty tight hold and Kim Jon-un  carries all the hallmarks of a perfect prick. But for the meme farmers of the internet, and those seven or eight people desperately waiting for a Team America sequel, it must have been a tragic announcement. WHO will they turn to now? Ahmadinejad?

Mikal Cronin

+ Ty Segall = the new Pavement? I think that's how the theorem works. Anyway, the Mikal Cronin half of that equation is my favourite.