Friday, 30 April 2010


Tron was/is amazing! Although to be honest my memories of it are a bit hazy and require youtube refreshment, i know i loved it as much as miniature battenburg when i first saw it many moons ago. They (generic film studio) are also remaking it, with fancy computer graphics and whatnot, and it actually looks pretty cool so far. I think i'm going to have to watch the original again before the new one so i can be properly judgemental and snide about it when it's released.

Heroes (and Villains)

Some more heroes and villains

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Lightyears Ago

Billy Dee (Lando Calrissian) and Harrison Ford (Han Solo)

I stole this from another blog because, seriously, have there ever been two better looking human beings on the face of the planet than those two men in those outfits? That is an entirely rhetorical question. I can barely comprehend the excitement as these two Tigers prowled around the bar in their post-shoot revelry, the witty banter and reparte, the fake blasters. Just picture them on the dance floor together! Wonderful.

Monday, 26 April 2010


One of my favourite films, and definitely my favourite Dustin Hoffman movie. Really touched, gentle, well acted and all round beautiful. Kind of makes me pine for a seventies childhood a bit.

david bOWie

This is a recording of the aftermath caused by the infamous Bowie/Lollipop incident, featuring lots of David calling people 'baarstaards'. There's a longer video of with the song he was singing before hand, and to be fair it does sound a bit rubbish, and a lollipop is preferable to a bottle of piss.


This video is AMAZING (in deserved capital letters). It's from Ponytail's Ice Cream Spiritual album, which is also AMAZING!

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Song o' the week

I've been listening to The Hold Steady's Seperation Sunday album relentlessly lately. At first I dismissed them as basically generic 'rock' music, but on closer inspection I've been enjoying them immensley. Lyrically their songs are fantastic, with frequent references to the first Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne which can only be a good thing (maybe I'm biased), and a song called Stevie Nix!

Monday, 19 April 2010

Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box

I don't blame you

It was Kurt Cobain's deathiversary last week and i was listening to Cat Power singing I Don't Blame You earlier, which is apparently about Cobain, and i thought he was due a small post. I find my liking of Nirvana's music unusual really, when i think about it there weren't an awful lot of grunge bands that i really liked (the Melvins and Mudhoney etc), and certainly the nu-metal etc stuff, a large part of which consisted of Nirvana imitators was a scene which i despised. The more i think about it the more i come to the conclusion that i really shouldn't like Nirvana, Kurt's vocal style, or the hype surrounding them. HOWEVER, i find that i do like them and it. I suppose some of the bands i like do have tinges of Nirvana about them, No Age and stuff, although more the punk side of it than the metally side of it. And that over-masculine throaty vocal style (Eddie Vedder) generally turns me off big-time. But i think Nirvana and Cobain were a one off, with no easy comparisons, and certainly i enjoy them regardless. Alot of folk like to say if he hadn't died they would've been a flash in the pan and been dead and buried, in a non-literal sense, by now anyway. Although they're probably the same people who think Dave Grohl was the real genius and Foo Fighters are the greatest band ever. Really it doesn't matter as we never got to find out.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Fresh Gig

A Sunny Day in Glasgow; the very patient Jen Goma top right

ALSO i went to see A Sunny Day in Glasgow play the Windmill in Brixton last thursday! They were excellent and provided plenty of the loud stuff. Not only did we meet the bands (apparently slightly lost) driver on the way to the show, but i met most of the band themselves (4/6 to be precise), including the remarkably charming (and most importantly willing to humour my idiot babble) Jen Goma! Awkard hugging incidents aside it was a fine evening, and with any luck i will be able to get to their gig at the Luminaire next month.

Awesome Fun Times

I haven't posted for yonks, i'm nearing the end of my three week holiday, which has been probably the most lethargic three weeks of my entire life. One of the major contributing factors towards this has been Dino Comics! The paticular issue i've linked is the one i'm presently on, it's not been selected for any particular reason, there are literally trillions of issues (well okay not literally), he's been writing them since 2003, using exactly the same picture board, only changing what's written on it. The topics he (he being Ryan North) covers can vary completely, his most particular interests appear to be sciencey stuff (suprisingly interesting!) from which i have learned more than in all my high school classes and all the BBC documentaries i've watched COMBINED. He's even influenced my lexicon (if i ever say, "Forget YOU man", you have Ryan North to thank).
Basically it's 'awesome fun times' so read it!